Wednesday, December 26, 2012

haaaapy Holidays.

Merry Merry Christmas! (a day late i know.. i know) Been a little too busy crafting, shopping, decorating and playing to write in the blog lately!  Life has been GREAT.  Cameron and I had our very first Christmas together and I can honestly say it was the very very very very VERY best Christmas ever.  Life is just so much more fun with your best friend by your side.  We also got to talk to my brother who is serving a two year mission in Brazil!  This was the first time we have been able to Skype with our missionary.. and it was amazing!  So fun to see his cute little expressions...he is our same ole claybers. He cracks me up.. At one point he said in true Clay fashion.. "Mom.. you don't understand.. I got out here and I had to become a man in about a day". I think that sums up a mission pretty well.

Before Christmas we got to spend tons of time with my new sister in law.  She is amazing.. we just love her to death.  Lets just say the humor in the Webber house has sure evolved with so many "marrieds" around these days.  BUT on to the sure has been a homemade kind of Christmas for us.  It began with a few skirts that I made for some holiday parties  ..

yes yes I know.. Im in desperate need of a spray tan.  This red skirt was my go to skirt for the holidays.. I think my friends and fam are a little sick of seeing it.  Can't wait for Valentines and 4th of July to bring it back out:)

So my hubby keeps asking me to make him something.  The problem is.. he is just sooo tall.. anything I make him would take up so much fabric I just can't bring myself to do it quite yet (in other words Im being lazy and don't want to cut out patterns for hours).  So instead I settled with an early Christmas present for him and my brothers and my pops.. I think this is the first time they have worn bow-ties.. I was actually a little surprised they were such a hit.  

A few of the men in their bowties!

Of course I'm crazy about making dresses.  So I have made two dresses in the past couple of weeks.  The second one I'll post a separate post about.. lots of pictures to come.  And the other one really doesn't deserve a whole lot of attention.  It turned out mediocre.  I got the fabric at Mood in New York so i was super excited about it.  The color was amazing.. but the fabric was super difficult to work with.  But it was def a learning experience.  I put an amazing teal exposed zipper in the back.. and I think I'll eventually modify it a bit so I will wear it more.  

at least I love these girlies.. bff's since HS.

PRE-PRESSED it looked much better all pressed!  Love this zipper.. maybe because I got it in an ALL ZIPPER store in nyc (AMAZING).

Besides that I made matching PJ's for my sister in laws...hand towels for my Lowry sisters...and fur vests for my mom and another sister in law!  Pictures to follow.  A month filled with sewing is my FAVORITE kind of month.
Hope you enjoy these Jems!


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Merry Christmas Ya'll

Yes this IS happening right now. Or rather ALL DAY LONG I should say.  I got Cameron this blazer months and months ago at an antique shop (wish I could say I made it) and finally gave it to him as a surprise at Thanksgiving with one stipulation.. He could not wear it until December.....So sure enough the hubby wakes up this morning and proclaims "ITS DECEMBER.. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS???".

Apparently I nailed it with the red blazer gift. Can't wait to see it all month long. This boy sure makes me laugh.

I hope you enjoy this Christmas jem!


Saturday, December 1, 2012


I HAVE A BLOG!  How cool is that?? Now lets hope I can figure out how to use this thing! So I was walking around the fabric store a few days ago (or more like galloping-why does fabric have that effect over me??) all while explaining to my husband how amazing certain fabrics were and how I couldn't wait to make this or that.....and as sweet as my cute hubby is he just didn't have that same sparkle in his eye over all the pretty fabric... and I thought to myself..I have got to let this poor guy off the hook and share my tiny obsession with people who care!  Or at least write about it so I get it out of my system:) So here it goes.. a blog dedicated to everything homemade.. or as I call them my little JEMS!

PS..Am I the only one that gets giddy in a fabric store?? Everyone else always looks so calm........!!!

So here are a few of my recent JEMS....

i just LOVE this skirt.. you can make it in a couple of hours... its cost me $10!!!! and no one will have it.. Can I get an AMEN to sewing folks. 

yah kind of obsessed with this jem..maybe ive made myself three more.  oops..
the other half of this dress is RIDICULOUSLY amazing.. so many details and pleats and darts and  zippers and lace and fur.. just couldn't show it off too early.. but seriously I need some lessons in blogging... dont know why this pic comes up with me cut in half!!!  I guess the other half will remain a mystery.

This is the only pic I have of this little Jem..not my fav.. but these girls are my fav so I had to add the pic in. 
Def most proud of this work of art.  And the only thing i've made for my hubby.  Maybe I should venture more into menswear....said no one ever. 

My dress form has a GHETTO bootay.. still trying to fix that
