Saturday, December 1, 2012


I HAVE A BLOG!  How cool is that?? Now lets hope I can figure out how to use this thing! So I was walking around the fabric store a few days ago (or more like galloping-why does fabric have that effect over me??) all while explaining to my husband how amazing certain fabrics were and how I couldn't wait to make this or that.....and as sweet as my cute hubby is he just didn't have that same sparkle in his eye over all the pretty fabric... and I thought to myself..I have got to let this poor guy off the hook and share my tiny obsession with people who care!  Or at least write about it so I get it out of my system:) So here it goes.. a blog dedicated to everything homemade.. or as I call them my little JEMS!

PS..Am I the only one that gets giddy in a fabric store?? Everyone else always looks so calm........!!!

So here are a few of my recent JEMS....

i just LOVE this skirt.. you can make it in a couple of hours... its cost me $10!!!! and no one will have it.. Can I get an AMEN to sewing folks. 

yah kind of obsessed with this jem..maybe ive made myself three more.  oops..
the other half of this dress is RIDICULOUSLY amazing.. so many details and pleats and darts and  zippers and lace and fur.. just couldn't show it off too early.. but seriously I need some lessons in blogging... dont know why this pic comes up with me cut in half!!!  I guess the other half will remain a mystery.

This is the only pic I have of this little Jem..not my fav.. but these girls are my fav so I had to add the pic in. 
Def most proud of this work of art.  And the only thing i've made for my hubby.  Maybe I should venture more into menswear....said no one ever. 

My dress form has a GHETTO bootay.. still trying to fix that



  1. Consider me a follower! I love new blogs. Have you been to the textile store in Nashville? I can't remember exactly what it's called (textile is in the name) but my heart starts beating so fast everytime I go there because I'm so happy! That's where my mom gets the fabric for her wedding dresses. Awesome place!
    Love the stuff you've done!

    1. Danielle ... you have no idea how excited I am that you are following my blog!! I am obsessed with yours.. I might need to get some lessons from you:) And yes I have been to and love Textile Fabrics.. I could seriously spend all day and all my money there!

  2. Wow brooke, I had no idea you were so talented in the sewing department! I love it!

    1. Thank you Amanda!! Its a fun new hobby...sure miss your cute fam!
